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Calling all educators!


We are thrilled to launch a NEW LEADERSHIP ACADEMY K-12 Curriculum! It includes the K-3rd POWER PASSPORT program, which focuses on important Personal Values and Social Skills for kids, as well as our 4th-12th Organizational + Time Management System, which includes

Mindy Lockard's Social Skill + Confidence-building curriculum.

Both programs are designed to help develop confident + mindful future leaders.

Please see the full program descriptions below. 


Each Passport or Planner System is designed to build on important, age-appropriate social, academic and organizational skills. The curriculum builds on previous materials,

year after year. 


In addition to the POWER Skill Passport and Planner, all elementary, junior high, and high school systems include a Leadership Academy "Power Skill of the Week" weekly video curriculum for teachers, as well as family resources and tools to help students bring their organizational and social skills to life. Each 2-4 minute video includes a skill + application goals that teachers can use to spark important conversations, and to encourage confidence and social accountability. 

Writing on Sofa



Our POWER PASSPORT system is designed to help students to learn valuable interpersonal skills to help with a lifetime of social confidence.

Personal Values | Reputation | Non Verbal Skills: eye contact, posture, facial expressions | Communication Skills: Talking with adults | Basic Digital Awareness | Dining Manners: setting the table, table basics, using a knife and fork, Styles of Dining | Friendship Skills: friendship circles, navigating conflict, acts of kindness | Out & About: etiquette of public spaces, building trust with parents, teachers and coaches | Teacher + Family Communication | Organization + Weekly Mapping


4th & 5th Grades

These planner systems are designed to help students to learn valuable time-management and organizational skills. Each planner system includes weekly tools for:

Goal Setting | Intro to Time Management | Systems for Improving Quality of Work | After-School Commitments | Social Commitments | Weekends | Academic Responsibilities | Teacher + Family Communication | Organization + Weekly Mapping


4th Grade Planner (Intro to Planning and Social Skills) 

These planners focus on helping students to get used to transferring dates and details from their heads to paper, while the POWER Skill of the Week focuses on basic interpersonal and communication goals.                                  

POWER SKILLS FOCUS: includes POWER Skill of the Week video curriculum                                                             

Identity | Eye Contact | Posture | Facial Expression | Friendship | Conflict Resolution | Communication | Basic Screen Time Etiquette | Dining Etiquette                                                                                            


5th Grade Planner (Intro to Junior High Communication Skills)

These planners focus on helping students to establish valuable academic and social habits before making the leap to Junior High, while the POWER Skill of the Week focuses on personal responsibility, and key habits for important academic and social confidences. 

POWER SKILLS FOCUS: includes POWER Skill of the Week video curriculum

Identity | Personal Reputation | Personal Responsibility | Goal Setting | Breaking Down Deadlines | Proactive Steps | Time Management | Digital Communication with Adults | Digital Communication with Peers | ScreenTime | Non-Verbal Habits | Conflict Resolution | Friendship


JUNIOR HIGH CURRICULUM | 6th, 7th, & 8th Grades


These planner systems are designed to help grow future leaders by developing key social and academic confidences during a typically challenging and awkward season. Each planner system includes weekly tools for:

Goal Setting | Identifying Proactive Steps for Achieving Goals | Systems for Improving Quality of Work | Habits for Improving Executive Function | Academic Planning | Proactive Communication | Time Management | Organization + Weekly Mapping | Breaking Down Deadlines | Social Commitments | Self-Advocacy | Quality of Work | Tests + Long-term Projects | After-School Commitments | Weekend Planning | Teacher + Family Communication


6th & 7th Grade Planners (Intro to Junior High Practices & Key Social Skills)

These planners focus on helping students transition from elementary school to junior high, while the POWER Skill of the Week focuses on personal responsibility through communication with teachers, peers, and their community, as they learn to transition from depending on parents and teachers, to developing their own sense of independence and leadership.

POWER SKILLS FOCUS: includes POWER Skill of the Week weekly QR code video curriculum

Identity | Personal Reputation | Personal Responsibility | Goal Setting | Breaking Down Deadlines | Proactive Steps | Time Management | Digital Communication with Adults | Digital Communication with Peers | Screen Time | Non-Verbal Habits | Conflict Resolution | Friendship | Teacher + Family Communication | Social Pressures | Digital Communication with Teachers | Family + Trust Building | Social Media | Dining Etiquette


8th Grade Planner (High School Prep)

These planners focus on helping students to use the 8th grade to practice the organizational and social skills they've learned prior to making the transition to high school, while the POWER Skill of the Week focuses on academic organization, study skills, and developing a strong system for academic success and accountability.

POWER SKILLS FOCUS: includes POWER Skill of the Week weekly QR code video curriculum

Identity | Confidence + Taking Risks | Embracing Failure | Personal Responsibility | Breaking Down Deadlines | Proactive Steps | Time Management | Tests + Projects | Note-Taking | Communication with Adults | Informational Interviews | Research | Forecasting | Understanding High School Grading | Managing GPA | Tracking Grades | Finals | Teacher, Coach + Family Trust Building | High School Extra Curricular Activities | Dining Etiquette


HIGH SCHOOL CURRICULUM | 9th - 12th Grades


These planner systems are designed to help students to prepare for and explore college and future options at a pace that feels manageable, and in a safe learning environment. Each planner system includes weekly tools for:

Setting Academic Goals | Managing GPA | Quality of Work | Time Management | Extra Curricular Activities | Proactive Action + Communication


9th Grade Planner

These planners focus on helping high schoolers to manage the academic and social transition to high school, and to prepare for college without yet thinking about college, while the POWER Skill of the week focuses on personal identity and responsibility.

POWER SKILLS FOCUSincludes POWER Skill of the Week weekly QR code video curriculum

Identity | Personal Interests | Confidence | Communication | Extra-Curricular Activities | Informational Interviews | Forecasting | Tests | Long-term Projects | Finals Prep | GPA Tracking + Management | College Visits


10th Grade Planner

These planners focus on helping high schoolers to think ahead with regards to personal and careers interests that are important for long-term planning and college goals, and include key Leadership Academy organizational skills + time management reminders, while the POWER Skill of the Week focuses on helping teens to look ahead, exploring areas of interest and inspiration. 

POWER SKILLS FOCUSincludes POWER Skill of the Week weekly QR code video curriculum

Identity | Personal Story | Confidence | Communication | Professional Interests | Internships | Social Justice | Extra-Curricular Activities | Community Involvement | Internships + Shadowing | Resumé | Interview Skills | Summer Opportunities | College Visits 


11th Grade Planner

These planners focus on helping high schoolers to think ahead with regards to future long-term planning, and college + career goals, and include key Leadership Academy organizational skills + time management reminders, while the POWER Skill of the Week focuses on helping teens to look ahead, exploring areas of interest and inspiration. 

POWER SKILLS FOCUSincludes POWER Skill of the Week weekly QR code video curriculum

Identity | Personal Story | Confidence | Communication | Professional Interests | Internships | Social Justice | Extra-Curricular Activities | Navigating the Application Process | Tips for Writing Essays | Financial Aid | Interview Skills | Summer Opportunities | College Visits 


12th Grade Planner

These planners focus on helping high schoolers to think ahead to life beyond High School, and include key Leadership Academy organizational skills + time management reminders, while the POWER Skill of the Week focuses on helping teens to look ahead, exploring areas of interest and inspiration. 

POWER SKILLS FOCUSincludes POWER Skill of the Week weekly QR code video curriculum

Identity | Personal Story | Confidence | Communication | Professional Interests | Getting Involved on Campus | Roommates | Community Involvement | Internships + Shadowing | Resumés | Interview Skills | Summer Opportunities | College Visits 



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